Intent and progression

Hook Infant School's motto of Every Child, Every Day, Every Future, underpins our practise and beliefs for all areas of the curriculum. We believe that every child needs to be able to access every opportunity every day, building a future for each and every one of them. During P.E lessons we aim to encourage all of our children to be physically active and make healthy choices when it comes to healthy living. We will teach every child how to keep themselves fit and healthy. We achieve this while tailoring all lessons and outcomes to the individual needs of our children.  At Hook Infant School, we know not only the importance of fine and gross motor skills and how these impact on other areas of the curriculum such as handwriting, but also the importance of physical activity on children's mental health and wellbeing. 


In P.E lessons we teach children fundamental physical skills which feed through into their everyday lives. This starts in Early Years, where children are supported by interventions from the Solent children's therapy service providing individually tailored exercise to help them with physical aspects such as core stability. Alongside planned P.E lessons, Early Years children access a whole range of physical activities in their free flow environment including, digging in the mud pit, climbing on the playdale, building their own challenges using beams and tyres and collecting gems with tweezers. During Key Stage 1 these initial skills are extended through more structured lessons, and teamwork and following rules are focussed on in greater depth.   


Hook Infant School values are respect, perseverance, courage, teamwork and kindness. These are deeply rooted and embedding into every aspect of the children's day including P.E lessons. P.E progression is planned alongside our school values. Tracking the progression of P.E is crucial, not only to ensure that children are developing in all areas of Physical development, but also to notice areas that need extra support. The progression that we would expect to see in children is below.


Year 1

Year 2

National curriculum


 Pupils should be taught to:


  • master basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching, as well as developing balance, agility and co-ordination, and begin to apply these in a range of activities


  •  participate in team games, developing simple tactics for attacking and defending


  •          perform dances, using simple movement patterns




Copies and explores basic movements and body patterns


Remembers simple movements and dance steps


Links movements to sounds and music.


Responds to a range of stimuli.


Copies and explores basic movements with clear control.


Varies levels and speed in sequence


Can vary the size of their body shapes


Add a change of direction to a sequence


Uses space well and negotiates space clearly.


Can describe a short dance using appropriate vocabulary.


Responds imaginatively to stimuli.


Copies and explores basic movements with some control and coordination.

Can perform different body shapes


Performs at different levels


Can perform 2 footed jump


Can use equipment safely


Balances with some control

Can link 2-3 simple

Explores and creates different pathways and patterns.

Uses equipment in a variety of ways to create a sequence

Link movements together to create a sequence


Can travel in a variety of ways including running and jumping.


Beginning to perform a range of throws.


Receives a ball with basic control


Beginning to develop hand-eye coordination


Participates in simple games

Confident to send the ball to others in a range of ways.


Beginning to apply and combine a variety of skills (to a game situation)


Develop strong spatial awareness.


Beginning to develop own games with peers.


Understand the importance of rules in games.


Develop simple tactics and use them appropriately.


Beginning to develop an understanding of attacking/ defending


Can run at different speeds.


Can jump from a standing position


Performs a variety of throws with basic control.

Can change speed and direction whilst running.


Can jump from a standing position with accuracy.


Performs a variety of throws with control and coordination. preparation for shot put and javelin


Can use equipment safely



Can comment on own and others performance


Can give comments on how to improve performance.


Use appropriate vocabulary when giving feedback.

Healthy living

Can describe the effect exercise has on the body


Can explain the importance of exercise and a healthy lifestyle.