School Uniform

School Uniform
Children attending Hook Infant School are required to wear the correct school uniform.  Branded Hook Infant School uniform is available to order from the school office or via our Parentmail app. Other items are available from usual school uniform retailers.
Help with School Uniform
If you are having difficulty paying for school uniform, we may be able to help, please speak to Mrs. Evans in the school office.
The Hook Schools Community Association (HSCA) holds a second hand uniform sale on several occasions throughout the school year.  Please speak to the school office for pre loved uniform items.
Branded Items available to order from the school office please see attached uniform price list 
Hook Infant School Starter Kit  includes school logo sweatshirt or cardigan, polo shirt,    PE T-shirt, sun hat, book bag, PE bag, zippy wallet and bottle bag       
Individual Items
Blue Logo Sweatshirt                        

Blue Logo Cardigan                                         

White Logo Polo Shirt 

White Logo PE T-shirt                                                                                                                             

Logo Book Bag and Bottle Bag (including zippy wallet)

Logo PE Bag                   .    

Logo Sun Hat                                              

Logo Tracksuit