Week beginning 24/01/22

Week 4: Year 1 Timetable

Below is the timetable and activities for your child to complete for home learning this week. This will mirror the activities the children are completing in the in school. You may want to repeat sessions to ensure your child has grasped a particular concept well. Please bring your child’s work back to school when they arrive after their isolation period. If you have any questions or need any support, please contact your class teacher via the class email address below:







Phonics: Spelling practise at home ready for the test next week.

English: Listen to the story of ‘Little Red Riding Hood’. Sequence the story using the pictures and act it out.

Maths: Understanding the equals symbol.

Handwriting: Please practise the upper and lower case letters together for Gg and Hh.


Phonics: Alternative ch.

English: Write a sentence in each of the speech bubbles for Little Read Riding Hood and the Wolf, and use an exclamation mark.

Maths: Addition missing number sentences.

Science 3: Waterproof investigation.


Phonics: Alternative ou.

English: Understand and explore the format of a playscript and use the labels to put each part of the script in the correct place.

Maths: Addition missing number sentences problem to complete.

Science 4: Floating and sinking investigation.


Phonics: Alternative aw and au.

English: Write a playscript for part of the story of ‘Little Red Riding Hood’.

Maths: Subtraction missing number sentences.

PSHE: Safe strangers.


Phonics: Alternative ew.

English: Proof read your script and make the corrections. Follow your script to act it out.

Maths: Subtraction missing number problem to solve. There is an easier activity and a harder activity to choose from. Both activities are within the Year 1 mathematics curriculum objectives so please only complete the more difficult activity if you think your child is capable.

Reading Comprehension Task

The reading task is a non-fiction text called ‘Birds in your garden’. Please complete it at any point this week. There are 3 differentiated versions of the text so decide which one best suits your child’s ability. Each text has its own question sheet to complete and please encourage them to go back through the text to find the information when they are answering each question.

An additional phase 3 reading comprehension task has been included if your child is finding ‘Birds in your garden’ too difficult.