Week beginning 31/01/22

Week 5: Year 1 Timetable

Below is the timetable and activities for your child to complete for home learning this week. This will mirror the activities the children are completing in the in school. You may want to repeat sessions to ensure your child has grasped a particular concept well. Please bring your child’s work back to school when they arrive after their isolation period. If you have any questions or need any support, please contact your class teacher via the class email address below:







Phonics: Please practise your spellings to be tested on the next Monday you arrive back at school.

English: Labelling the character of the wolf using noun phrases.

Maths: Recognising and naming 2D shape. This worksheet will need to be printed in black and white.

Handwriting: Please practise the upper and lower case letters together for Ii and Jj.  



Phonics: Alternative ai – reading words containing different ai sounds.

English: Write a ‘Wanted poster’ for the Wolf.

Maths: Recognising the properties of 2D shape.

DT: Session 1 investigate moving pictures and make a flap. (Look at books you might have at home with a flap/lever/slider or another moving element).




Phonics: Alternative ai – sort the words according to grapheme they see.

English: Acting as an apologetic Wolf.

Maths: Solving a 2D shape problem using Tangrams.

DT: Session 2 make a slider.




Phonics: Alternative ai – phoneme spotter.

English: Write a letter as the Wolf to the Three Little Pigs to apologise for blowing down their houses.

Maths: Recognising and naming 3D shape.

PSHE: Fairytale court


Phonics: Alternative ai – write as many alternative ai words as you can that you remember from this week.

English: Reread your letter from the day before and edit any mistakes. (NO FLIPCHART)

Maths: Solving a problem involving 3D shape and describing the properties of 3D shape.

In school, we have Golden time on a Friday afternoon. This is a time the children have as a reward for their hard work and good behaviour all week and working on their social skills. Please take this time to follow your child’s interests and allow them to play with their toys or any other task you choose.


Reading Comprehension Task

The reading task this week is a comprehension pack to target retrieval skills from a text. Please complete it at any point this week. There are 3 differentiated versions of the text so decide which one best suits your child’s ability. The first activity ‘Step 1 Starting Reading Skills’ is a simplistic comprehension task containing key words and pictures with a short passage designed to build retrieval and early inference skills. The second activity ‘Step 2 developing Reading Skills’ includes 3 short passages with a set of related focus questions aimed to develop high order thinking skills. The third activity ‘Step 3 Building Reading Skills’ includes 3 larger, more complex passages with a set of focus questions covering the KS1 reading domain requirements. Please choose 1 activity to complete depending on your child’s ability.

An additional phase 3 reading comprehension task has been included if your child is continuing to develop phase 3 reading sounds and basic reading skills.